Todd Douglas
022 473 9151
Ngapuhi (Ngati Manu, Te Mahurehure), Scottish
Todd’s ancestors, both Maori and Pakeha, have strong connections to the ocean. Without intention, Todd found himself drawn to making traditional tools associated with water, but with a contemporary flavour. And like so many artists, his work and his journey of self-discovery are interwoven.
A pivotal point in Todd’s practice was the development of his signature ‘pounamu’ macrocrystalline glazes by his wife and creative partner, Karuna. These glazes combined with his powerful hand-formed sculptures has allowed Todd to push the boundaries of what was deemed possible in contemporary ceramic art.
Recently, Todd’s sculptural work has been inspired by subtleties within nature, with a focus on the shape and movement of clays and glazes, sometimes like tactile flowing rivers or as textures are formed, torn and weathered rock.